Dyslexia tools for all ages

Dyslexia tools for all ages

11/09/2023 This article explores what dyslexia is, the author's personal experience of dyslexia, assistive technology (AT), the way in which practitioners could implement these tools, as well as sources of support for teachers and students.

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How to best support those in your care - Victoria Bartle | Behaviour in Practice

How to best support those in your care - Victoria Bartle | Behaviour in Practice

30/08/2023 Victoria Bartle draws on her personal experiences to highlight the importance of effective communication between carers and patients/clients, and emphasises the value of understanding patient reactions and behaviours to deliver optimal care.

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The invisible army of unpaid carers

The invisible army of unpaid carers

08/08/2023 There are an estimated 6.5 million people in the UK who are part of the invisible army of unpaid carers who provide care for their family members with no no ‘one size fits all’ model that represents the role of carers. Ruth McGuire investigates.

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Achieve your career goals in Care, Health, Early Years and Education - A CACHE Alumni Conference

Achieve your career goals in Care, Health, Early Years and Education - A CACHE Alumni Conference

06/07/2023 Achieve your career goals - watch again! A chance to watch again as we explore ways that you can achieve your career goals, no matter what they might be. You’ll learn how to identify opportunities, identify your skills and sell yourself well

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How to respond when someone challenges your language

How to respond when someone challenges your language

07/02/2023 As human beings, it's only natural for us to make mistakes throughout the course of lives, and that can include our use of language. But what happens if your language is challenged in a work setting, how do you respond? Lucy Nichol explores.

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How vulnerability builds resilience

How vulnerability builds resilience

18/01/2023 Acknowledging our vulnerability and being able to express how we feel with the right support networks, can empower us and help us build resilience. Lucy Nichol suggests how care and education practitioners can apply this mindset in their practice.

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Cost of living impact on older adults

Cost of living impact on older adults

11/01/2023 In this article, Karen Barker looks at the impact of the cost of living crisis on older adults, specifically the over 65s, quoting useful statistics and analysing the extent to which the government's response has supported them during the crisis.

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Loneliness at Christmas and mental health of those 65+

Loneliness at Christmas and mental health of those 65+

15/12/2022 Individuals 65 and over are one of the most at-risk groups of experiencing loneliness, particularly over the Christmas period. Andi Smart advises on how we can encourage self-care in the over 65s and the different ways in which we can support them.

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