Andi Smart

Andi Lee Smart is a BACP/NCS/BPS registered counsellor and chartered psychologist with 15 years’ experience as a health and social care/mental health practitioner on the wards and within the community. Further to this, Andi has over 20 years’ experience of working in dementia Care. In addition, Andi currently works in several roles which includes, but is not exclusive to, subjected specialist, examiner, mental health mentor, SPLD study skills tutor, and assessor on several health and social care qualifications in the higher education diploma access to nursing. Andi’s specialisms relate to supporting those who identify LGBT+, in addition to working alongside neurodiverse individuals, such as those who have been diagnosed with Autism/SPLDs/ADHD. Andi has a strong interest in mental health, disability, advocacy, sociology, psychology and equality.